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mac ifconfig - mac 네트워크 확인


mac 네트워크 확인

  • ifconfig
  • output
ifconfig output in Mac OS X?
lo0 = loopback
gif0 = Software Network Interface
stf0 = 6to4 tunnel interface
en0 = Ethernet 0
fw0 = Firewire
en1 = Ethernet 1
vmnet8 = Virtual Interface
vmnet1 = Virtual Interface

output 들의 의미 확인

  • -listallhardwareports 명령어로 확인가능
  • You can see the names that are used in System Preferences for some of the devices by running networksetup -listallhardwareports:
Hardware Port: Thunderbolt Ethernet
Device: en4
Ethernet Address: 78:7b:8a:bc:7a:4d

Hardware Port: iPhone USB
Device: en5
Ethernet Address: a2:d7:95:83:6f:e0

Hardware Port: Wi-Fi
Device: en0
Ethernet Address: 1c:36:bb:ed:a6:77
